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Support PacificSport Vancouver Island’s Sport, Community, & Inclusion Fund

PacificSport Vancouver Island is very fortunate to have partnered with the BC Amateur Sport Fund, the British Columbian chapter of the Canadian Council of Previncial & Territorial Sport Federations , to create the PacificSport Vancouver Island Sport, Community, & Inclusion Fund!

Supporters of PacificSport Vancouver Island and our endeavors to provide athelte, coach, community, and inclusion services and programming throughout our region are invited to make a charitable donation to the BC Amateur Sport Fund, noting that their gift be used to benefit our project! Donors will receive a charitable tax receipt from the BC Amateur Sport Fund.

Donate now

Donations to BCASF to benefit PacificSport Vancouver Island’s Sport, Community, & Inclusion Fund can be made online – please visit our project’s donation page by clicking here.

Thank you for your support!